So what is our Zoo Girl dreaming of ?
You`ll have to use your imagination for that one!!
And I know that some of you have very active imaginations!
And what has Zep been up to since I last posted? Well, you`ll have to use your imagination for that one too!
But I have been cruising through some interesting web sites, one of which will be the subject of my next posting....remember my post on cosmetic surgery?
Well.....I`m going to have a little fun with that subject again!
Bet you can`t wait!
I have found a rather juicy little blog if you are into a bit of titillation...and I know you are.......okay, don`t be put off by the URL title......this racy little blog might sound like a Financial Guide to Student Loans, Debt Consolidation and Mortgage Advice, but don`t let that fool you...I can assure you it`s pretty steamy stuff!!!
A young female student looking for a Bank Loan, meets her Bank Manageress, and the sexual adventures which follow are most certainly worth reading!
I won`t waste it for you by giving away the plot....and yes, there is a good plot!
This is an excellent piece of writing..The Student absolute must!
I`m tempted to set up a meeting with my own Bank Manager now....who knows....
I might get lucky.........!!!!!