Google Anaylitics

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

site Crashed Tonight !

Tonight saw a bit of a disaster for my site.

My site appeared to have somehow crashed....and apart from some garbled code, was gone.
Everything...images, links, ads
Most of it looked like some horrific road-kill, spread over the internet, a lot of the code for my site had just disappeared from the face of the earth, or, at least, from the amazing world of the internet, even the site template had gone!

It took a lot of work to rebuild the site, don`t exactly know much about the world of
Quantum Physics, I was never much of a Rocket Scientist, so it will be one of
Lifes Great Mysteries to me, as to the where`s and why`s of what happened.

The site was down for several hours, so apologies to all who visited, and found nothing but disjointed code. The main body of the site is back up and running, but there will some more links to replace tomorrow. It is very late, and I am exhausted!

Once again, apologies to those who visited and found my site down.

Monday, June 27, 2005


So who is my Lady Electra?
Lady Electra is a City-girl, a City-girl who is bound-up with
Stocks and Bonds, Financial Trading, and Global Commerce.
She has escaped the Stock Exchange for the day!
What she yearns for is a Holiday in the Countryside.
She calls her Chauffeur- drive Bentley, and heads out of the City.
Her driver, Jeeves, knows her too well, and knows instinctively where to take her.
A place with the vision and scent of beauty, a quiet little corner of the countryside....what could be better than blue skies, a field of poppies and Summer grasses.
And, of course, a place where her exotic perfume will not be outdone by the scent of a rose.
He knows, that when they arrive at her destination, he will open the rear door of the Bentley for her, and will be met with the heavy scent of Connelly Leather mingled with the musk of her Coco Chanel perfume.
She will have already have removed her Harvey Nichols business suit. Her beautiful La Perla silk camisole and silk panties will be neatly folded beside her Louis Vuitton pocket book on the leather upholstery.
She takes with her only her silk scarf, and the golden bangles which she wears.
She has made herself a garland of poppies, worn loosely around her hips, and wanders freely in the field of poppies, with the gentle breeze catching in the folds of her silk scarf, the flowers and summer grasses brushing against her legs, for even they wish to be close to her, and the warm summer sun caressing her smooth skin.
Jeeves watches her from the Bentley. Soon, she will want to return.

Electra in progress

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Notes on Zoo Girls.

Really enjoyed working on these watercolours!

I sat down with a nice glass of Wine, some wonderful CD`s, and surrounded myself with Art Materials. Even better, I had bought myself some lovely new Artists` Brushes and Watercolour paper!
The first Zoo Girl started as merely a sketch, but quickly developed a life of her own!
In Zoo Girl..Topped and Tailed, I used Gold Ink for the binding around her body.

I am still learning about the ins and outs of Computers and Computer Accessories.
Scanners, or at least my Scanner, will not show Gold.
After all that work...panic!

Thank goodness for Digital Cameras !!!

I love my Zoo Girls....I hope you do too!!