Google Anaylitics

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Eve in Blue


Anonymous said...

Hi Zeppellina,
Another fabulous image! I particularly like the way you integrate the backgrounds to complement the drawing subject. The shapes are nice and flowing as well and... very sensual!

Zeppellina said...

Hi Anonymous!
Thank you for your lovely comments!
Please keep coming back to my site...need all the nice comments I can get!

Zeppellina said...

Hello again Dane!

Thanks for coming appreciate that! Yes, there was a wee bit longer gap between posts there, than I would have liked. It was such a hectic week.
Glad you like this one...I loved working on it..I won`t make it so long for the next posting!

Anonymous said...

I like Eve in Blue, but the nipples are not placed right. They are too high. The only time nipples are this high is when some male surgeon makes them this way during breast reduction or implant surgery. Men think this makes women look young and "perky", but it's a dead giveaway that something has been altered. Real nipples are not this high. Sometimes male artists draw women this way too. I like your "Gemini Women" best...their nipples are perfect.

A woman's breasts have got to be the most beautiful of all body my humble opinion. I'm a breast girl!!

Zeppellina said...

Hi Anonymous!

Very interesting and well observed comment!
You are,of course, quite right, in that I treated the drawing of Eve in a different way to my other beautiful women.
I have enjoyed many conversations with other bloggers on their blogs, usually quite topical or controversial subjects. I find the discussions to be stimulating and quite thought provocking.
I have been having a conversation with circuitloss about the ins and outs of the teaching of religion in schools.
In pondering this, I decided to draw a classic art subject, that of Eve.
As a woman, (and I am definately a woman!), I have always considered the story of Eve, always portrayed as a woman who was easily led, fooled by a snake, and who was a bad woman for leading Adam astray with an apple, to be very much a male story concept in the first place.
I wanted my Eve to be sublime and beautiful, she is definately aware of herself, her sexuality and her own mind. She is not easily fooled, and certainly wouln`t need an apple to tempt anyone!
I used a certain amount of `artists license` in this drwawing...the use of deliberate devices to emphasise certain points. The flowers stamens are over-emphasised to indicate a subliminal sexuality, Eves` proportions also are adapted to emphasise sexuality and fertility,
and yes, I placed the nipples higher for them to be overtly-emphasised.
There had to have been a first woman, geneticists now say they can track all of humanity back to one woman.
She would have been a black woman,
and her name would not have been Eve...perhaps it was..we`ll never know (I also gave Eve dark hair and dark eyes rather than the usual way of blonde/blue eyed as she is portrayed in the arts).
The story of Eve we have today, is what I wanted to work from, and, as a female, to sort of claim it as a woman, without completely taking it away form its original male concept.
Lets face it, if women had come up with a story of the first would have been a wee bit different!
I particularly love this drawing, there is something about it which draws me to it.
I am glad you like Gemini`ll be pleased to know that I am going to return to that as a subject in the near future..I have a couple of other drawings I must get on paper first...but I have more to do on the gemini girls subject, and at a later point, another classic art theme....the Kiss....
Hope you keep coming back anonymous,
that was a good and interesting comment.

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Hi Zeppelina,

What a talented artist you are! Each image blends so beautifully with the backgrounds. I am happy to have found your site.

I sent you an email with my email, as I saw your post on the blog. It is good to keep you on your toes, no?

Be well.

Zeppellina said...

Hi there Barbara,

Many thanks again for your wonderful comments...I got your email, and I will be emailing you tomorrow....yes!
Good to keep artists on their toes!
Got a little distracted...I am so happy tonight!
I got the most wonderful review in janes` guide. I think I have read it so many times, I have lost count tonight!
I will definately be in touch tomorrow!

mellymutton said...

Ahhhhhhh... Miss Zeppellina...

Thank you for you... Your words are wise and logical...

Thank you for them...

Your presense here is always welcome...


mellymutton said...

I also took some vitamins... You are correct, I have been forgetting my daily dosage...

Thanks for reminding me...


PS. Eve in Blue is magnificent... Sensual, Seductive and Calming...

Jego said...

Youre right. Your Eve doesnt need an apple to tempt. :-) You did her just right. A perfect Eve: sexy and innocent. This site inspiresme to pick up watercolors and brushes, although I doubt I'll be as good as you.

Looking forward to more of your work. And maybe pictures of your work in glass?

Zeppellina said...

Hi there Mellymutton,

Glad I could help out there!
And thank you again for your beautiful words. You are always welcome here.

Zeppellina said...

Hi Jego!

You give me high praise! I think you should get out the watercolours...I think you would have a flair for it.
Yes...I should get some glasswork on site...there just doesn`t seem to be enough time for everything just now!
But, I promise I will at some point...just can`t say when at this moment....!!!
Good to see you back Jego!

GodlessMom said...

Hello Zeppillina,

You do such beautiful work! Your comment on the thoughts and process behind your work is very interesting. Your Eve has such a delicious look in her eyes! I love it!

Zeppellina said...

Hi Godlessmom!,

Good to see you! Thank you for your wonderful comments!
Yes...she does have that look in her eyes, doesn`t she...innocence and mischieve at the same time!
I really loved working on Eve.
Hope to see you again soon!