So what is our Zoo Girl dreaming of ?
You`ll have to use your imagination for that one!!
And I know that some of you have very active imaginations!
And what has Zep been up to since I last posted? Well, you`ll have to use your imagination for that one too!
But I have been cruising through some interesting web sites, one of which will be the subject of my next posting....remember my post on cosmetic surgery?
Well.....I`m going to have a little fun with that subject again!
Bet you can`t wait!
I have found a rather juicy little blog if you are into a bit of titillation...and I know you are.......okay, don`t be put off by the URL title......this racy little blog might sound like a Financial Guide to Student Loans, Debt Consolidation and Mortgage Advice, but don`t let that fool you...I can assure you it`s pretty steamy stuff!!!
A young female student looking for a Bank Loan, meets her Bank Manageress, and the sexual adventures which follow are most certainly worth reading!
I won`t waste it for you by giving away the plot....and yes, there is a good plot!
This is an excellent piece of writing..The Student absolute must!
I`m tempted to set up a meeting with my own Bank Manager now....who knows....
I might get lucky.........!!!!!

Nice to see you back Zep!!....and with a whole set of stunning images too!
Very sensual, yet serene! Lovely!
Good to be back anon!
Yes, I have been bad! But I`m going to be very good and post regularly again!
Had to be a Zoo girl to come back with, didn`t it?!!
Great to see you're posting again. The images are very sensual. I wish I could find a bank manager like that.
Hi Dragonsbane!
Me too! We`re obviously with the wrong bank!!! .... Oh well!!
Glad you like the images, it was about time I poasted again, and I enjoyed working on this one.
I do like my Zoo Girls, they are fun to do!
Speak to you soon Dragonsbane.
Fandabidosi Zep !
A visual feast :)
Hi Ruth!
Love your story,
"Passion for Cooking" on your creative writing site!
Although, after reading it, it may well be some time before I will raise the courage to go to the swimming baths again...........!!!!!!
Wow! Nice bit of writing!!
Well hello there Cairo!
I am deeply honoured! I think this must be the first time my blog has received a visit from the canine family!
Love your blog, Cairo, and yes, I think you should indeed run for president!
You`ve got my vote!
WOW! Started reading that "link" you put in and it really sounded wonderful.
I mean, I know I'm a guy and all, but, the senuousness just rolled off of so many of the words....
Are you the artist of those pieces, too? The one with the light blinding all the edges was too cool for words,
Dang! I gotta go back there and finish reading, but right now, I gotta go check on the sound system here for the evening service.
Hi Boneman!
No, Studenr Byreite is not one of my sites, but belongs to an internet friend of mine.
It`s really good, isn`t it...?!!!!
It is a diary of events from the 1970`s, I`m told. I have left a more in-depth response to your questions on the last image below.
Good to see you back Boneman!
This is great, too!
Being a writer, I know how an artist can cringe as soon as he or she sees, "It reminds me of...", but it reminds me of Matisse's dreaming woman...can't remember the exact title. Although this one has the woman falling through space, or, rather, some watery medium, rather than resting her head on a table. Her floating hair strengthens that image for me.
I like this one the best of the three versions you posted.
The look on her face; the way she's lovingly embracing herself, the slightest hint of eroticism (not hidden, which is great) in the sliver of just exudes a kind of self-love and privacy that's very affecting.
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