A strange co-incidence happened regarding my drawing of the Kiss.
It would appear that both of my ladies in the watercolour bear a resemblance to the
leading ladies, Makosi and Orliath, from the current UK television series, Big Brother.
I posted the drawing on the Friday, and on Sunday, Orliath and Makosi were in the swimming-pool, having both removed their Bikini tops, and wearing only bikini bottoms,
were in full passionate embrace for the cameras.
Makosi, of course, was wearing a rather large and beautiful diamonte necklace.
Having watched the two ladies drift around the Big Brother House in their lingerie for weeks now, it was fun to watch them relaxing in the pool with little more than their jewellery on!
In my drawing, the blonde-haired lady is sporting a gold armband of Celtic Design...I love
Celtic jewellery, and my African lady has an African design Tattoo.
Makosi has a wonderful mischevious grin...wouldn`t her laugh make a wonderful ring-tone?
Now there`s a thought for someone out there!
After they had finished their embrace, both ended up in embrace with Anthony, who must have thought it was his lucky day!
Can`t help thinking that Anthony would have looked good in full Rocky Horror Picture Show attire, a brocade corset, silk stockings and suspender belt perhaps.
That would certainly boost the ratings overnight!!
Orliath and Makosi are obviously going after a double Playboy spread, both having seperately mentioned Playboy, and Makosi is bound to get a Coca-Cola deal, as she constantly mentions how she just loves Cherry Tango!
But, just as we all thought that Big Brother was going to become a little spicy, it all calmed down again. Life in the House was just starting to get interesting too!
It would appear that both of my ladies in the watercolour bear a resemblance to the
leading ladies, Makosi and Orliath, from the current UK television series, Big Brother.
I posted the drawing on the Friday, and on Sunday, Orliath and Makosi were in the swimming-pool, having both removed their Bikini tops, and wearing only bikini bottoms,
were in full passionate embrace for the cameras.
Makosi, of course, was wearing a rather large and beautiful diamonte necklace.
Having watched the two ladies drift around the Big Brother House in their lingerie for weeks now, it was fun to watch them relaxing in the pool with little more than their jewellery on!
In my drawing, the blonde-haired lady is sporting a gold armband of Celtic Design...I love
Celtic jewellery, and my African lady has an African design Tattoo.
Makosi has a wonderful mischevious grin...wouldn`t her laugh make a wonderful ring-tone?
Now there`s a thought for someone out there!
After they had finished their embrace, both ended up in embrace with Anthony, who must have thought it was his lucky day!
Can`t help thinking that Anthony would have looked good in full Rocky Horror Picture Show attire, a brocade corset, silk stockings and suspender belt perhaps.
That would certainly boost the ratings overnight!!
Orliath and Makosi are obviously going after a double Playboy spread, both having seperately mentioned Playboy, and Makosi is bound to get a Coca-Cola deal, as she constantly mentions how she just loves Cherry Tango!
But, just as we all thought that Big Brother was going to become a little spicy, it all calmed down again. Life in the House was just starting to get interesting too!

Beautiful! I really like the way you use bracelets, ribbons, binding and, in this case, tattoo- type arm decor. Very cool!
Hey Zeppillina, Thank you so much for the holiday wishes. The 4th is a rather fun holiday over here, lots of family, food and fireworks! I'll light off a really big, colorful one for you. If you stand on your roof maybe you'll see it! :)
Thank you for your kind and gracious holiday wishes. I love your use of color, and the provocative and evocative images that you create in your drawings.
Enjoy your day.
Hi Barbara and godlessmom!
Like the idea of the firworks!
Although I`d need a very big roof and wonderful vision!
But I like the idea!
Hope you both had a wonderful holiday!
My heart started to ache for all of you on that side of the pond when I heard about the attacks in London this morning. Please know that you are in my thoughts.
In solidarity,
Thanks godlessmom,
It is absolutely horrific, so much injury and death...and for what?
Poor souls, my heart goes out to everyone in London.
It is a miracle that it was not far worse, with more deaths and casualties.
It was rush hour, people travelling to their work the way they always do, unsuspecting of someones deranged intentions.
Londoners are very strong people, they will continue as always, and will not allow this to change their way of life.
Londoners are no strangers to bombing campaigns. It doesn`t make it any easier saying that...but they are strong people.
My heart goes out to them, and their families and friends.
We are all thinking of them.
so beautiful!
Thanks for coming over. Nice images here!
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